Thursday, June 10, 2010


Sorry for the messy look. I'm working on changing up the blog and I can't find a preview button so I'm working with what I know, which isn't much.


TW said...

Hmmmmm... seems the little man and I may have to venture out into our own manly blog with ninjas, fire, and airplanes as the background. We'll have to post things like:

"Today we successfully stopped all crime, built a perpetual motion machine, and found the last digit of pi".

But seriously, we need to have a conversation about the direction the visual theme of our blog is taking. Little man and I will organize an intervention... I mean a "get together" where we and others who care about you will talk to you about the benefits of incorporating more power tools and sawdust on the blog.

-the boys of the house

JW said...

And my addition to the "get together" aka intervention will be a weekly men of the house post:)

Vanessa said...

Please invite me to the intervention so I can simply hang out with all of you. I'm just thankful for all the pics and videos so I don't seem so far away!