Friday, February 24, 2012

Long Time Coming

December 8th! Really?!? Wow. I knew it had been a while since I had posted anything but didn't realized so much time had passed. I blame it entirely on lack of sleep...and laziness.

Almost three months later, I still don't have much to say, but I do have two growing boys.

Eli is nine months old and I cannot believe how fast his first year is going. He is a big boy at almost 30 inches long and 23 pounds. He is trying to crawl but that is a lot of mass to try to move. He adores music and shakes his thang at the slightest beat. If he is standing up, he really gets into it and we love his enthusiasm. He is quite the bundle of giggles and grins. You can see for  yourself.

Jude is almost two and a half and talks non-stop. No, really. I mean it. He never stops talking. A few of my favorites thus far have been while he's talking to Tim & I he'll say, "Hey Guys, let's just hang out and talk." or "Hey Guys, what are you talking about?" if we are, God forbid, not including him in a conversation. He is a sponge and most of the time I love it. When I hear him walking around the house saying, "Oh, darn it!" for no reason or "Oh my gosh" in a full valley girl accent I don't like it as much because my ridiculousness is exposed before my eyes.

He is having a blast learning how to ride a balance bike. He is picking it up well and the other night stayed in the backyard riding until dark. He asks me daily to video him and then show it to him. When he watches it, he starts laughing and says, "There's Jude! Jude is riding fast!". 

Our days are full and we spend as much of them as possible outside. We all thrive out in the fresh air, rain or shine. Here are few shots of our most recent shenanigans.

Nap. Check.
Mama, what are you doing?
I heart the beach, especially the sand.

Sand. Oh, blessed sand.

Not appreciating the sand in his snack.

Playground fun.


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