Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Can I have another, please?

Thai Honey Peanut Chicken
 recipe and photo from
I realize that for most of you this is old news. I have heard friends talk about The Pioneer Woman for a couple years now. It took me this long to jump on board and actually peruse the website. I did so last night and kept interrupting Tim's thesis work to tell him about all the delicious recipes I was coming across. I thought he'd me more excited given the fact that it directly benefits him. So, now I share my excitement with you.

Tonight, I made Thai Honey Peanut Chicken and loved it - . It was so easy and delicious that I have decided to link to it in case a few of you want to try it. I roasted veggies as a side and it all came together quite nicely. Plus if you're a vegetarian, the recipe says you can substitute tofu and it works great as well. What I loved most is that I didn't have to go grocery shopping to try the recipe. I had everything I needed in my cupboard, freezer and fridge. That may be a cooking woman's dream come true.

For those of you who give it a shot, enjoy! I know we did.


Megan said...

Pioneer Woman ROCKS! I have her cookbook (signed, I might add! Met her in Minneapolis last summer) and everything in it is amazing!

M. Costello said...

Even states apart we are still on the same wavelength. I just got on her site for the first time the other day. Amazing. I love it. Happy Cooking :)