Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Fun with Soup

One of the gifts Critter found in his stocking on Christmas morning was a set of "big kid" cups from his Aunt Kristy. I hadn't even thought of moving him onto cups yet and he has been excited about them since day one - Good call, Auntie.

Tonight after starring at our fridge contents for five minutes and unnecessarily air conditioning the kitchen trying to figure out what to feed Critter for dinner, I spied leftover tomato soup. Tomato Soup!?! Yep. Our sixteen month old eats almost anything especially tomatoes and olives. The only problem with soup is that he doesn't feed himself consistently with a spoon yet and the thought of spooning him food for the next half hour wasn't sounding pleasant. So, I slightly warmed the soup in one of the cups and he drank it up - yum!

To make the best use of my time, I proceeded to fill out some paperwork in the kitchen. When I looked up from my "to do" this is what I found:

Moral of the story: Tomato soup is good, clean fun (especially out of a cup).

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Can I have another, please?

Thai Honey Peanut Chicken
 recipe and photo from
I realize that for most of you this is old news. I have heard friends talk about The Pioneer Woman for a couple years now. It took me this long to jump on board and actually peruse the website. I did so last night and kept interrupting Tim's thesis work to tell him about all the delicious recipes I was coming across. I thought he'd me more excited given the fact that it directly benefits him. So, now I share my excitement with you.

Tonight, I made Thai Honey Peanut Chicken and loved it - . It was so easy and delicious that I have decided to link to it in case a few of you want to try it. I roasted veggies as a side and it all came together quite nicely. Plus if you're a vegetarian, the recipe says you can substitute tofu and it works great as well. What I loved most is that I didn't have to go grocery shopping to try the recipe. I had everything I needed in my cupboard, freezer and fridge. That may be a cooking woman's dream come true.

For those of you who give it a shot, enjoy! I know we did.

Thursday, January 06, 2011

Never Too Young for Chores

He loves to vacuum and sweep! He insists on "helping" whenever I'm doing either. We plan to encourage and foster his love of chores for a very long time.