Monday, November 08, 2010

And Then There Were Two

Shortly after Critter's first birthday, I found out we were pregnant. That's right. You read correctly: Pregnant. I had a inkling a week or so before but kept putting off the test because I have a weird thing about finding out early and feeling pregnant forever and a day.

Well, I peed and there it was on the stick. I think pregnancy test results should come with an exclamation point, but that is another subject. I thought I found out around five weeks and was bummed that I hadn't had enough self-control to put off the test a few more weeks. On the other hand, I was really excited. Tim and I had started talking about the possibilities and the timing of our kids, that is if we could have things our way. We wanted them closer versus farther, but decided to just see how things played out. Now we know - homerun, touchdown, Gooooaaaaaallllllllll.

To tell Tim, I made Critter this silly hat made out of newspaper and letters clipped from a magazine that read Big Bro. I told him that I made Critter a hat and he smiled and said that was nice. Then he reached for him and looked at me with big eyes, "Really?!?". I grinned my response.

Then a couple of weeks (okay, one week) later I started to pooch out. I kept telling myself that women's bodies tend to react more quickly the second time around. But, I couldn't even suck it in anymore. I started going to the gym more, but to no avail. One week ago, I finally made an appointment with my doctor and she  thought I was further along than I had originally estimated. Today was the ultrasound to determine where we're at in this forty week journey.

When we got the first ultrasound with Critter, I was six weeks and he looked like a little peanut. I couldn't even tell it was a baby other than his beating heart. Today was a different story. When the ultrasound picture came on the screen, I gasped. This was definitely a little person. We got to see his/her arms, fingers, kidneys, stomach, bladder, heart, spine, and more. The tech said I am twelve weeks and one day today, but that the doctor will decide the due date and let me know.

We are ecstatic, honored and blessed to be expecting our second child. I am looking forward to the journey of being pregnant with a little one year old boy to chase, teach and love. When I say looking forward I mean scared, nervous and tired at the thought (just kidding, kind of). In all seriousness, we cannot wait to meet this little one and welcome him/her to our family.

I am reminded through the gift of new life the amazing God we serve, the Creator. "For you created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." Psalm 139:13


O'Lindemans said...

whoa! Exciting! I didn't even notice today. Sounds like the first trimester treated you well :) Congratulations!!!!

sara said...

Hooray!!!! Ben and I love the story. So jealous that you got to "skip" the whole first trimester! Critter is so cute, I can't wait to see the sequel. :)

Nikki said...

Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE that you guys are having another baby and I love you Jilly. You're such a great mama. This next little one is going to be so blessed to have you and Tim as parents. I've been thinking of you and praying for you these last few weeks often. So, excited for you guys. Another little olive shoot to sit around your table. God is good.
Love, Nikki (and the rest of the Dauphins)

Emilie said...

Crazy! Congratulations! I am so glad things are going so well and you only have 28 weeks to go!

Sara said...

Congratulations Whitacres! So excited for you guys.

katygirl said...

hi jill! i randomly came across your blog again. congrats!

Unknown said...

Congratulations, I'm so excited, the baby looks like it has my nose. Take care.....Mary Lu

Dave, Kristal and Wes said...

Wow! Stoked! Did you know at Wes' birthday party? You are good at hidding it and the first trimester sounds like a breeze! Fun to be pregnant at the same time! When are you due?