For me there have been some distinct differences between the two pregnancies. Some are positive and some are less than positive, but I am so thankful that I get to be pregnant again and that we get to grow our family and welcome our second that I am "content" (struggling) to handle each difference as it comes.
- I can't seem to remember exactly what week I am at. Last time, not only did I know the week, but each week I read the current chapter in the baby and me book.
- I am chasing a toddler which is much more active than sitting at a desk. I didn't think it was making too much of a difference until about a couple months ago when my back and hips started complaining.
- I get to take naps! This is a big plus and one of the benefits of having the first two so close together. Jude takes an afternoon nap and if I'm tired I can usually sleep longer than him!
- I "showed" much earlier and in the past month have been asked repeatedly by strangers if I'm due "any day now?". But then I get to watch the pure tactless shame was across their face, so it's cool.
- I feel prepared in some ways and in other ways, I've heard myself say "He'll live" if there is something that we don't have or haven't considered for the baby.'s true. There is so little that a newborn needs aside from Mom and Dad that I know I don't need my ducks in a row to feel calm about this guy coming.
- It is known and by "it" I mean a few different things. The labor "it" meaning I know what a contraction feels like and I know it is going to be hard, but I also know what "hard and pain" mean in context. The baby "it" meaning that I'm excited to meet him, but it is not a blissful and naive, "my baby will be an angel that nurses like a champ and sleeps through the night at six weeks" delusion. It is an excitement based in reality, but that doesn't stifle our joy in any way. If anything it makes it more authentic.
- This round I have gestational diabetes. This has been hard and at (many) times driven me to tears. I want to control it and make it better, but it doesn't work like that and my wonderful OB continues to remind me of the same. I might have more to say about this later, but right now I don't feel like getting into it.
- Round one I stopped work a month before Jude's due date and literally spent almost every day taking a relaxing walk, swimming laps and lounging by the pool. That will not be happening this time and I will not be a golden tan color when the baby arrives.
- I feel like I am nesting more this time. For example, last week I cleaned behind the fridge. Enough said.
That's all I've got for now. I am so thankful to get to do this again - pregnancy and child birth. I cannot wait to meet him and begin to discover this little boy. He's moving and groovin' in my tummy as I write. His ears must be itching:) I love you, little man.