Sunday, March 13, 2011

Forty Eight Hours

It has been seventeen months since Tim and I went anywhere or did anything for a more than a few hours sans Critter. To be honest, it hasn't felt like a huge loss or something I was sorely missing. I think more than anything that speaks to the timing of Critter's arrival into our lives and marriage. We were "ready" for him. We wanted him (in most ways) to turn our lives upside down...and he did.

With that said, last weekend we broke our record and went away for two whole nights. Yep, that's right. We were away from our little man and free as birds for almost 48 hours! This was all made possible by my wonderful Mamasita. She came and hung out with Jude so we could take time away together before son number two arrives and turns our lives upside down once again.

smiles of two free birds

Saturday was a beautiful day. It was so gorgeous I even got a little too much sun. We started out with a scenic drive with lots of ooohhhs and aaaahhs. It doesn't matter how many times I have seen different Central Coast areas, I am rarely without amazement at the beauty of this region. Next, we headed down to Rincon, a surf spot Tim and I have surfed in the past. It was more of a lake than the ocean, but was redeemed by the fact that there were about ten dolphins playing nearby. We sat and took in the serene and glorious creation before heading back to town.

Not Rincon, but still beautiful

Perfect day for learning to paddle board

We later walked the pier, rode cruiser bikes (I might have just been self-conscious, but I think I got some silly smiles from people noticing a very pregnant biker), ate delicious Italian and then shopped State St a bit. By about 5:30pm, I was starting to feel all the walking and biking so we headed back to the hotel for a little chill time before dinner.


cruisin' with the belly

Earlier in the day, some locals had told us that a Mexican restaurant was having an anniversary menu with dinner for half price for just that weekend. Uhhhh...we're there. Sure enough, we showed up and downed delicious burritos for less than $15!

We concluded our trip on Sunday by sitting at a coffee shop people watching and talking about baby names and other what nots. It was a low-key, lovely time spent with my best friend doing a lot of what we did when we traveled together in the past - chill, take in the scenery, eat and enjoy each other's company.

It was a blessing to "get away" although I am thankful for all we have to come back to in Critter. I missed him. I loved getting to see his chubby cheeks and ginormous belly on Sunday and hear him "talk" about this toy or that airplane.

One thing I realized was that this kid has got me trained. Critter loves airplanes.  His ear is tuned to the sound of an airplane engine. Every time he hears one, he points skyward, looks up and repeats the sign for airplane. If he's outside playing and hears one, he runs in and tells me that I must join him in looking for it in the sky and watching it in wonder. There were probably four or five times on Saturday morning that I heard an airplane, said something to Tim and pointed skyward. It became a little embarrassing, but also reminded both of us how much joy we gain from sharing in Critter's excitement and interests.

We are so glad we took the time to get away together. And are so thankful for supportive and sacrificial family that really made it even an option for us. Tim and I have always talked about wanting to prioritize our marriage and it felt good to take an active step in walking that out in a tangible way. I am anticipating that it will take more than seventeen months to do this again, but today I am thankful for the time we were given.

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Fun with Scissors

"They" say never to cut one's hair while pregnant. I think it is because of the hormones and the possible overly dramatic reaction that may ensue. I said, "What the what?!" and went ahead with it because I couldn't handle the long, stringy stuff that was posing for hair on my head.

Here's how pregnant I am:

Seven Months

Here's how the cut turned out:

Here's how much fun my boy had with Auntie Da while I was away:

Baby Blues